2024 New Year’s Eve Update:We are going to stick to doing something much different than most bars / restaurants around Barcelona. We are not going to charge an absurdly high cover or anything along those lines. The idea is to have a more casual party, like the feeling of a house party among friends. This year’s edition has a little twist though… it’s a masquerade.
Aside from the masquerade, we have the same prices, same great people, same tasty food & drinks, but a different New Year’s Eve. Feel at home. No worries, there will be a cotillon with the 12 grapes provided to guests as well, and the bar will be open until 3 am.
New Year’s Eve in Barcelona
New Year’s Eve in Barcelona (or anywhere for that matter) is always a fun experience. You have a multitude of options and of course, you must consume the 12 lucky grapes within 12 seconds. Be careful, as grapes here have seeds and well, eating seeds is not the most enjoyable experience in the world. Alas, the passing of a New Year signifies many things. NYE is a time for reflexion, a time for celebration, a time for being with friends and family, and most importantly, a time for kissing a complete stranger when the clock strikes midnight, right?
Okay, if you are taken, you should probably forego the stranger part and plant a nice one for your man / lady friend. After all, you want to show you’ve got the right stuff heading into the new year. Having said that, are you looking for something to do this New Year’s Eve? If so, look no further, as CocoVail is putting on a party for New Year’s Eve in Barcelona. It’s going to be a sweet soirée to sign off 2024 and ring in 2025 in style, and it would be awesome to have you and yours make the night more memorable.

What’s in store for our 2024 edition of New Year’s Eve in Barcelona?
This year we are not continuing the tradition of not changing the menu or offering fancy-schmancy food combos. We are sticking to what we know best: wings and beer, baby!
What else do we have going on? Well, I guess you will just have to find out for yourself at our New Year’s Eve Party. If you go a little too hard in the paint and feel like sh** the next day, we have some tips for how to cure a hangover in Barcelona. Chances are after a pint and some cava, it’ll turn into a few more spirits in the belly, and that’s just dandy.
Contact us with any questions for the event. We look forward to ringing in the New Year with you and yours, the more the merrier! #feelathome
Actualización de la Víspera del Año Nuevo en Barcelona de 2024: Vamos a continuar la tradición y hacer algo muy diferente a lo que generalmente ocurre en Barcelona. No vamos a cobrar una entrada absurdamente alta ni nada de este estilo. La idea es tener una fiesta más informal y dar la sensación de una fiesta en casa, entre amigos. Tendremos los mismos precios, las mismas grandes personas, las mismas deliciosas comidas y bebidas, pero con un Año Nuevo completamente diferente. Queremos que te sientas como en casa.
CocoVail permanecerá abierto hasta las 3h como una excepción en esta noche, y habrá un cotillón con las 12 uvas.