If you are studying abroad as an international student in Barcelona, there is an abundance of information available to help you during your time here. Furthermore, several organizations provide invaluable resources as a foundational guide. However, one company takes the cake. The entire royal family / Boss McBossness of these amenities in Barcelona is hands down Studentfy. They point you in the right direction. They are your trusty steed / sherpa during your voyage.
Studentfy Helps International Students in Barcelona (& Elsewhere)

Photo Credit: www.essayontime.com
Here’s a little breakdown of how they work and what they do to help international students in the area.Go to their website. Browse their collection of services. You immediately find the various resources available to help you during your stay in Barcelona. Their services are not limited to Barcelona, in fact, they are also located in Madrid and are currently expanding to other locations. Studentfy’s website is broken into several parts, the main offerings include:
- Discounts:Their proprietary card partners with many businesses in the city. They offer discounts to utilize to your advantage.
- Amenities:Certified, proven activities for you to try during your stay. Barcelona offers many experiences, and it’s good to have a guide to point you in the right direction. Studentfy provides that assistance.
- Trips:Book adventures to other locations around Europe with Studentfy. Their discounts apply to trips and also offer invaluable info regarding where to go and how to do it in style.
- Accommodations:Finding the perfect living situation in Barcelona is quite challenging. Studentfy lays out a plan to help you locate the best possible quarters during your stay.
- Insurance:Studentfy can help students pick the best options for international insurance during their stay as well.
- Good People:This is not on their website, but it’s important to illustrate. Studentfy’s employees are awesome and always are ready to provide the best experience possible.
Check out Studentfy’s website for more information and contact them. You can download their app here as well! They are an awesome organization with the tools to make your experience in Barcelona memorable and completely HUGE! We are excited to partner with them, and they host several activities at CocoVail. Hope to see you at the next one.
CocoVail Articles for Students in Barcelona:
–Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad in Barcelona–Best Places to Study in Barcelona
–Watch College Football in Barcelona @ CocoVail
–Watch NFL in Barcelona @ CocoVail