At CocoVail, we aspire to Create and Cultivate an International Community. Part of that mission involves participating positively in your local community. We believe it is not just important, but more so a responsibility to take part in the our Barcelona community. Members of our family participate in organizations in La Ciudad Condal (The City of Counts) on a consistent basis. They give part of their time and energy to help other fellow human beings.
If you are looking for places to volunteer in Barcelona, here are some of the organizations we’ve found around the city.
Open Culture Center
What Does Open Culture Center Do?
In their words, “Open Cultural Center (OCC), previously known as Idomeni Cultural Center (ICC), is an organization formed by volunteers that carry out both educational and cultural programs with refugees currently living in the camps in Greece.” They are also currently involved in the “inclusion of refugees and migrants through educational and cultural activities in Spain.”
Summarized in two words, one could say that they are all about inclusion & improvement. Inclusion involves opening arms and minds to the many refugees that leave their respective countries in order to help them feel a part of the community. Improvement is defined by their goal of improving the lives and well-being of those who are involved in their organization.OCC’s core values are team working, commitment, and volunteering.

Esperança’s Facebook GroupIn their words, Esperança is “A community of volunteers that goes out to neighborhoods of Barcelona to hand out food and clothes and talk to people living on the streets.” They go out every Saturday and Sunday evening between 5-7 pm depending on the season, with two different central routes in Barcelona.Esperança is all about helping those in need, particularly the homeless around the city.
CocoVail Community
To the right is an image of the infamous Castellers found around the region of Barcelona during cultural festivities. The spectacle involves teamwork, participation, effort, and everyone pulling together for a common goal / good. It’s a perfect emblem of the idea of community. There is something greater than all of us as individuals, and that is the collective. We should take care of ourselves, individually, but also look after one another in society.
These are just some of the volunteer groups in Barcelona. There are dozens with different missions / goals. If you want to join our list of volunteer organizations, send us a message at
Cheers! #feelathome